Search results

  1. Steven Button

    Caustic Alternative

    I'm researching chemicals and compounds for grease cleanup and high foot traffic areas on concrete... is there a comparable alternative to caustic? When caustic reacts with the fatty acids in grease it converts them into soap (layman's terms) and produces heat which helps 'melt' the grease...
  2. Steven Button

    $2mil auto coverage?

    Hey Guys Hope you all had a great Christmas... Do any of you have $2 million commercial auto coverage? I just received some contracts through from a PM and am thinking this is quite stringent. :confused: Thanks for any help or thoughts.
  3. Steven Button

    Need a good KEC guy in Orlando, FL area

    Hey guys Does anyone know of a good KEC company in the Orlando, FL area? I've been asked through a friend about cleaning a restaurant hood - I think it is a new restaurant. I don't have many details on just yet... I'll find out today. I want to pass on to a reliable company that does a good...
  4. Steven Button

    Florida Chemical Suppliers?

    Question for the Florida Guys... Have been calling Univar for a couple of weeks now to set up account to allow me to buy Sodium Hydroxide... not getting my calls returned - just put through to some sales person's voicemail. Where do you guys get your Caustic? Does anyone use Univar - got a...
  5. Steven Button

    difference between hoses

    this is probably a stupid question... what is the difference between black hose and gray non-marking hose? I am smart enough to know that non-marking is self-explanatory - if black hose marks, how and what does it mark? I have only used the blue and gray pressure hose so don't have a...
  6. Steven Button

    Air driven pumps?

    can anyone tell me how an air driven pump works.... please? I've searched around and read that it is a diaphragm type pump? Does anyone use these... is there a benefit over a shurflo or delavan? Is it run completely from a compressor, or does it require a battery/motor/engine? ... seen a...
  7. Steven Button

    sales person or service techs??

    open question to all... If you have employees (or are planning to), what did you or would you have first - sales staff or service techs? (why?) Need to get my business priorities sorted... It's probably different for everyone, but would be good to hear some thoughts and discussion. Any info...
  8. Steven Button

    Some Pics

    Some pics of a tiny driveway that was done a few weeks back... had 2 to do for this realtor - quick and easy!! Have got a lot of work from her! Close up photo of condition of a Grease Pad that I did recently, hasn't been done for years... thick layer of grease on top was like concrete...
  9. Steven Button

    9gpm Downstream options

    can anyone recommend a downstream injector that would work well with a high flow (9pm) machine... most of injectors I've seen on distributor sites are rated up to 8gpm... any suggestions - anyone have experience of downstreaming with high flow? thanks again folks :D
  10. Steven Button

    2 pressure lines to 1 pressure line

    I am looking to take my 2-reel 3000psi, 9gpm Hydrotek down to a 'one-man' machine... The pic below shows where the pressure hose comes out of my washer, can I just use a threaded plug in one of the outlets to replace on of the hose lines? Any advice is appreciated...
  11. Steven Button

    Need these fittings - chlorine leak has killed them!

    Looking for info on where I can find these 'swivel' fittings for my hose reels... one of the reels is for my 3/8 polybraided hose, but it now has a leak at the swivel. Unfortunately, this has leaked onto my supply hose reel swivel and has caused a slight leak... pics below Could you kind folks...
  12. Steven Button

    Myrtle Beach Yahoo Live Winner

    While you guys were having informative discussions and learning from each other in person at Myrtle Beach... us minions taking it all in from Yahoo Live felt left out of the prize receiving.... unfortunately we could not just 'wander' up to the table and "pick a prize, any prize"... lol :D I...
  13. Steven Button

    CleanFast USA Site up at last!!!!

    Hey guys Finally got the website up... Will be developing it over the next few months to include more features: photo gallery, client area, login, pricing and VIDEOS!!! It's a good feeling, need to put it to work now! Hope business is good for everyone - even with all...
  14. Steven Button

    What has PWI done for you?

    Question for everyone that visits PWI... What has PWI done for you? With the wealth of information shared here, and the numerous conversations that have taken place on the phone, in chat rooms, on live!Yahoo, at Round Tables, many of us must have learned or taken things and implemented them in...
  15. Steven Button

    CleanFast USA - New Website Draft

    hey guys getting a site designed - this is the first run through.... FEEDBACK PLEASE. CleanFast USA Website - First Revision Some of the text needs work, a couple of repeated items and words need changed. I've noted that the lists and tables need work... background color, formatting, etc...
  16. Steven Button

    How was the NOLA event?

    Any feedback on Thad's event in New Orleans... ? How many were there? Good info shared? Good party had? ... fill us all in!! :D
  17. Steven Button

    Conference/Convention Advice

    Hey guys I'm leaving this kind of last minute, but I am attending a shopping center retail conference soon and was looking for any advice or tips from anyone who has been to these kind of things before. My main reason for going is to network, and get names of senior representatives within the...
  18. Steven Button

    New Dunkin' Donuts locations - Houston, Texas

    ... possible lead for some of the guys in houston, texas area - found this snippet on a restaurant news website... it's a little while away, but get your name in early and they may remember you!! ...:D Breaking News Dunkin' inks deals for 107 units in Houston (Aug. 7, 2008) Dunkin' Brands...
  19. Steven Button

    Preventing Mildew from coming back

    Hey guys I've got a lead with an HOA about cleaning some shingle roofs - they have a little bit of knowledge about soft washing and were wondering about treating some of their roofs with a mildew-cide or algaecide... in fact, they are really keen on doing this. Is it worthwhile? Can anyone...
  20. Steven Button

    CleanFast USA Video

    hey guys I've got the 'video bug' from everyone!! Put this together today - went out and did the washing this morning then played with the editing this afternoon. Would welcome any feedback - it is work in progress and there are a couple of areas that I'll be changing. Let me know what you...