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  1. pdmcali

    Free - Best roof cleaning photo contest !!!

    Here one we did for the President of Lee University.
  2. pdmcali

    Bt200 and Tire Marks

    Yesterday we were doing some cleaning at a local university since the kids were out of school for Easter. In one of the patio areas there are several tire marks from bicycles so we took some BT200 hopeing to clean up the tire marks. We found on the brick paver areas that the BT200 cleaned up the...
  3. pdmcali

    Roof Cleaning Cleveland TN

    Roof Cleaning Cleveland TN as we began this roof was solid black on the north side. It is also 24 years old. This belong to Lee University and is the president home. We also did a house washing along with power washing the driveway, and pool deck.
  4. pdmcali

    Pressure Washing Hamilton County Jail Chattanooga TN

    This was a first for us. Pressure washing the holding cells at the jail house. When the inmates saw our guys with Hazmat suits they starting raising cane. Was a bad day for one of the guys to wear orange. Sorry this was the only pictures we could take as we couldnt take anything inside except...
  5. pdmcali

    Drug Free Workplace

    This week we became a Tennessee Drug Free Workplace . We do our testing thru Arch Labs here locally. A regular drug test is $24 but to be a drug free work place company the cost is $39. By becoming a Tennessee Drug Free Workplace we also receive a 5% discount on our workman comp insurance. I...
  6. pdmcali

    Never Again

    Thought you'd enjoy this one! This one you want your Children and Grandchildren to read.<O:p></O:p>They won�t believe this happened, but it�DID. Harry & Bess This seems unreal......� Harry Truman was a different kind of President. He probably made as many, or more important decisions...
  7. pdmcali

    Red and shades of red shingles

    Here is the back side of a house garage we did Roof Cleaning in Cleveland TN that has red shingles and it come out great.
  8. pdmcali

    Gutter Grenade F13

    We starting using a product this year we got from WalMart call Spray Power. It is the best product we have found and it doesn't burn is you happen to get some on you by accident. We have even used it on pump pads at Murphy's USA and it help greatly on removing oil and grease. Last week we tried...
  9. pdmcali

    How to Invest your money

    This thread caused me to remember this .
  10. pdmcali

    Jose & Carlos

    Found this on FaceBook.
  11. pdmcali

    Happy Father Day

    Here a good one.
  12. pdmcali

    Service Channel

    Anyone heard of Service Channel? If so what is experence.
  13. pdmcali

    Logos, see if you see yours.

    I seen this guy somewhere else.
  14. pdmcali


    Anyone ever use Algaecide in your house wash and if so what has been the results?
  15. pdmcali

    SIC Code

    Anyone know what the SIC Code is for commercial pressure washing?
  16. pdmcali

    First Condo Wash

    Yesterday we did our first condo wash. This was a small condo complex (8) and they were looking for someone to wash them while everyone was at work so their time at home would not be interupted. We started at 9 and finished at 130. In order to get the job done quickly we took a trailer with with...
  17. pdmcali


    I have someone that has with what they say is Rhinoguard siding. If someone know about this would you wash with a regular house wash? He claims that the mfg told him to use TSP to clean.
  18. pdmcali

    Rust on Vinyl

    In doing a house wash there are a couple of rust stain underneath two vinyl sutters that have been screwed to the house. Any ideas what will remove the rust stains. So far have we have boosted our house wash with SH and used a soft bush with a little heat. We do not want to use to much heat as...