Search results

  1. pdmcali

    F-9 BaRC Testimonials Best Concrete Rust remover in the World

    We use the F9 BARC to remove Copper Stain at Cleveland TN for Lee University Chapel . Stains seem to melt away.
  2. pdmcali

    Largest House You Ever Power Washed?

    I heard that Jim G cleaned this one!
  3. pdmcali

    Largest House You Ever Power Washed?

    I don't know the size but we cleaned this one and the roof also. It look like Mt Vernon they also had full time gardners and maid that lives on the property. The picture doesnt show the east and west wing.
  4. pdmcali

    BARC F9 on Copper Stains

    Lee University in Cleveland TN ask us about removing some copper stains from the window sills on their new chapel that was built about two years ago. After visiting with Doug Rucker he suggested I talke with Bill or Craig. After I talk to both of these men we decided to use the F9 since we had...
  5. pdmcali

    FREE FREE FREE FREE -Ipad Mini or Ipad Give-away for the Holidays PWI members only

    After roof mix applied and the results. Roof Cleaning Cleveland TN
  6. pdmcali

    Great Added Cleaner for Dumpster and Indoor Cleaning

    Two night ago while my youngest son was doing a indoor cleaning at one of our accounts he felt that he should add a scented cleaner to our cleaning mixture. He brought a bottle of Fabuloso Citrus and added 2oz to the mix. The next day the manager call me to say how good of a cleaning was done...
  7. pdmcali

    Truck for sale

    Ford F350 7.3 222000 miles. Asking 7k.
  8. pdmcali

    Solar Power

    We went live last week. I guess we need to look at adding cleaning solar panels to our list of services.
  9. pdmcali

    Awning Cleaning (Please Help)

    Here is what we use works great.
  10. pdmcali

    UT Chattanooga Dorms

    Few weeks ago we finished cleaning north campus Dorms at UT Chattanooga TN. This included washing the building as well as pressure washing the sidewalks. We finish this project 3 weeks ahead of schedule. My grandson Hunter even came to help (I think he forgot no one was on campus during the summer).
  11. pdmcali

    KIds photos Post them if your proud!!!

    And here is number 5 along with one of my daughters.
  12. pdmcali

    KIds photos Post them if your proud!!!

    Here is 4 of our 5 Grandkids.
  13. pdmcali

    Interior Cleaning Chattanooga TN

    Here is some Interior Cleaning Chattanooga TN. This is with a 12" Sirocco surface cleaner and Sirocco Vaccumn. We chose the 12" surface cleaner because of the tight spaces in restrooms. The problem that this customer was having is that the tile is very pitted and everytime they clean the dirt...
  14. pdmcali

    Asphalt Parking Lot Stains

    Here are four different stains on a asphalt parking lot. Will BT200 remove these or is there something else that is better? These are oil, diesel, hydraulic fluid, and transmission fluid.
  15. pdmcali

    Free Ten Gun Giveaway all you have to do is POST

    We always need a gun.
  16. pdmcali

    Rome GA

    Anyone do house washing in Rome GA we have a lead. Just give me a pm and I give you the information.
  17. pdmcali

    Pressure Washing Chattanooga TN

    Here is some before and afters of a house washing in Chattanooga TN we did last week. We used SH and Fresh Wash all it needed was some dwell time. The owner said he had the house for 12 years and never had washed it before.
  18. pdmcali

    Copper stains on precast

    Are you sure that all Copper Stain? Here is a building we did in March and this was from rain run off from the roof. We used regular house wash to remove this.
  19. pdmcali

    Church Building Washed This is building we washed last week on Thursday and part of Friday. We used the pink Powerwash that Doug recommend and only used about a gallon in our mix total. We did not have to make our mix as strong and it seem...