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  1. D

    Has any one ever heard of "advance" floor scrubbers?

    I got a deal on one but there is only one catch......... It dont have any manuals or anything...... no charger for the batteries... and I really dont have a clue where to start with it..... it has a 20 gal soap box .... and a 20 gal box for the vac. It runs on 36 volt..... 3 > 12 volt bat.... or...
  2. D

    see ya later >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    hey folks !!!!!!!!!! IM going away for awhile im off to see my sis in Fort Wayne Ind. MY home town go ahead big -boy you may talk about me you want .....but remember >>>>>>>>>> "I'LL BE BACK" so I got about a 10 hour ride ahead of me and I think I can do it in 7 providing ole...
  3. D


    okay give it to me.......... IM a real tree person ..always had a real one always will..... even though it does make a mess there is no-way i would get a fake tree............. but if you have one thats okay ......... each to there own..................... my thought is this if I was to have...
  4. D

    an hunting adventure.... with a result>>

    look @ my middle dude he sure looks proud.. I let him shoot it with the ole 6 shotter about 25 yards away ...... right in the ole head.........LOOK OUT BIN LADEN!!!!!!!!!! whatcha think there big-boy..........
  5. D

    ^^>> What are you Thankfull for ^^>>

    Im Thankfull for our Country.......Our President.. Life .... Family.. and being self employed........ I could make a list for ten miles .But i wont bore ya...... so whatcha think......... What r u Thankfull for??????
  6. D

    How to spot an E-Mail HOAX.........

    Use common sence.Would you believe it if it came from an e-mail? Then don't believe it just because someone e-mailed it to you. What's the source? Most e-mail lies are anonymous.Yes, you may know the person who passed it along to you, but is this sourse quoted? Even if there is,is it someone-or...
  7. D

    what happen>>>>>>>>

    [COLOR=darkblue]The board looks different,,,,,
  8. D


    e-mail me your address
  9. D

    just for fun>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    I am going to write a sentence without looking at my keyboard too see how well i remember where the keys are. This may be exciting i will not edit it whatever comes out comes out..also i will time goes.... I am going towrite a sentende wothput ;ppling aaat my leybarf too see...
  10. D


    i opened my mail and had 24 messages which they all had attachments said that i sent them and it re-turned ....and i even had a guy e-mail me and said i senttt it to him and gave his #...... i have no-clue what happen something about "RED CODE " virus...... i didnt open any of those...
  11. D

    here it is

    oopsssss lostitcantfinditsorryitisnotavailable
  12. D

    upstream >> downstream ??

    What cleans better up or down????????
  13. D

    whatcha think????????

    i think that my supplier is taken me fer a ride.... 21" mosmatic surface cleaner 2 nozzel double handle w/gun and one caster and 2 reg tires...........fer a whooping w/tax around 800.00 smak-a -roo's ...........give me your thoughts on this quick.......thank's
  14. D

    puter i hate puter i hate puter i hate puter

    i think i got it this time i had to save all my files ...... well i think i got 'em all i lost some im sure ........then i re-loaded win.98..and had to start over i guess time will tell if it works or not....................freaken gateway ......i call 'em we do a test then we hang up then @ the...
  15. D

    Ron read this>>>>>>>>

    i have to re do everything in my freaken going to do a complete restore is what i need from you .... send me an e-mail with this site so i can re-register and log on............hey i can even assume a new name maybe i will call my self .....hmmmmmmmmm...
  16. D

    up up in the sky >>>>>>>

    me and my boy up in the air looking for Bin laden.................
  17. D

    picture of my invention..........

    gotcha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. D

    what the heck is this ??????????????

    Pressure Washing > Fun Forums > Mindless Blabbering Post New Thread Logged in user: Dan S [logout] Subject: Message Icon: No icon vB Code [help] Normal Mode Enhanced Mode SIZE small large...
  19. D

    my puter has the flu......HELP !!!!!!!!

    i need computer help last week or so i puy in new memory from gateway went from 64 to 384. now it might be a coinisedence ( wrong spelling) but every since then my puter has benn wacky .thought maybe it was the mouse but it wasnt ...called gateway several times and we hav'nt come up with nothing...
  20. D

    pictures >>>>>>>>>>>>

    how in the world can u guys post pic's like that evertime i try it says tooooooo biggggggg ???? and it's smaller then the ones posted............huh ????