Search results

  1. mbryan

    Fortune cookie for you

  2. mbryan

    Happy Birthday Matt!!!

    I made this one right in the duct for you, have fun getting it out:D
  3. mbryan

    Who wants to go?

    I'll throw in at least $40. I'm sure we can get the other $130 from some other guys on the board just so we can get a report on what this is all about. Better be good for $50,000.
  4. mbryan

    What happened to Facilitec?

    They are no longer listed on the IKECA member page. Did they join PWNA? CHDCA? Does this mean their network of certified exhaust cleaners has been disbanded? Inquiring minds want to know.
  5. mbryan

    Happy Birthday David Saulque!

    I found a great gift for you inside a wood burning pizza duct, I hope you like it!
  6. mbryan

    More cave diving

    This are in a plenum though. Not sure how the health department missed this one. There is a local news station that does these restaurant reports and brings hidden video cameras in to the restaurants to show all the discrepencies in the cooking areas. I bet that guy would have a field day with...
  7. mbryan

    NFPA 96 Discrepancies at a fire station

    The Sales Machine did a bid at a local Fire Station this week and found some NFPA 96 discrepancies. Mesh filters and an improper access panel. Where is Phil when I need him???:D
  8. mbryan

    Merry Christmas

    Hood Cleaning Bid, Shriever AFB, CO
  9. mbryan

    Big bid at Burger King

    (Posted at The Cleaner Network) I think I talked to this nice gentleman last week while cleaning their hood systems! lol. Merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year to you and yours. __________________ VENT-TECHS Restaurant and Industrial Services...
  10. mbryan

    AS 125 Grease Containment System

    Aluminum Siding 125, Patent Pending
  11. mbryan

    Bid for hood and duct cleaning in Herlong, CA

    Clean Hood and Duct Systems
  12. mbryan

    HB-125 Grease Containment System

    The Henry's Bucket 125 (patent pending)
  13. mbryan

    Grease waterfall

  14. mbryan

    Happy 29th birthday, Karen!

    Blow those candles out before the newspaper catches on fire.
  15. mbryan

    Another exhaust cleaning school

    This is affiliated with that new hood cleaners association. Hood cleaning school
  16. mbryan

    More cave diving

    Bring your galoshes.
  17. mbryan

    Bid For Kitchen Exhaust System Maintenance

    Andrews AFB, MD Bid For Kitchen Exhaust System Maintenance
  18. mbryan

    Hey Bryan, Put Your Miner's Hat On

    We're goin' spelunkin'!
  19. mbryan

    Bid to Clean Cooking Exhaust Systems

    Seymour Johnson AFB, NC Clean Cooking Exhaust Systems
  20. mbryan

    Why does my kitchen get so smokey?

    Hmmmm, I wonder...