Search results

  1. Lou hoods&more

    Mr. Jones

  2. Lou hoods&more

    Houston!....Will we have a problem?

    I'm sitting here watching the countdown to launch for the newest shuttle. So my mind goes back to when space shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986. I was standing in the La-Z-Boy chair manufacturing plant in Tremonton UT. Watching the monitor in disbelieve has it all went wrong...
  3. Lou hoods&more

    ? for guys in Texas.....

    I have op for Az market for Wing *top noticed there are over 100 in Texas!!! :rolleyes: Systems i've seen simple just curious if you guys do some now? :D
  4. Lou hoods&more

    Can you say Pork Barrel

    we'll probably encounter world peace before the Army gets this done.;_ylu=X3oDMTEwcTRxa2ZpBGNvbG8DZQRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMjMEc2VjA3NyBHZ0aWQD/SIG=128a6n037/EXP=1149540164/**https%3a//
  5. Lou hoods&more

    Man dead of PW noise What a world we live in. And to think of all the times I may be keeping someone up. Mom & pop diner in a quiet nieborhood in the early morning:o
  6. Lou hoods&more

    come across this.....made me wonder

    of other uses :D
  7. Lou hoods&more


    OK I couldn't sleep (insomnia) i turn on the news (show) there any other kind of news? Anyway what's up with the alligators?:eek: Eating people:eek: ... that's just wrong. doesn't anyone in Florida carry a gun?...A knife..hatchet...12 gage? I sit in disbelief....alligator is...
  8. Lou hoods&more


    testing testing hope this works been trying for 7 hours to get into my private messages grrrrrrr
  9. Lou hoods&more

    Walking the Duct

    When walking a duct, I have body harness-attendant-air montoring, and use lock out tag out... My understanding is it's necessary due to OSHA.....or not?
  10. Lou hoods&more

    What's problem!!!???

    A big frustrationi have with this site is the fact it's constantly loging me off. 2-3 clicks of the mouse searching forums and 75% of the time I find I have to sign back in, cause I've been loged out...... that's if I'm browsing and notice it ....then thier are the times I try to post ......90%...
  11. Lou hoods&more

    & is the problem

    We're putting together a web site and it seems that the little "&" symbol is a problem ..:eek: ....the search engines don't reconize the "&". Anyone have a solution to this? I would be grateful for any guidance or advice in this area. :o
  12. Lou hoods&more

    got to step back

    Some times like now the world seems to stop for a moment ..just for me ,I know it's not true but it ......... Any i got into KEC after some thought of what to do After 9-11 and the custom commercial upholstery gig was going down....(more like crashed and burn)with in days after. I say to...
  13. Lou hoods&more

    Utah hood cleaning????

    well i'm rolling back up to Ogden Utah next week to visit my daughter and grandson. Does anyone know of any good KEC comps in Utax...errr Utah? :rolleyes: