Search results

  1. Lou hoods&more

    pick the nose

    :to_pick_ones_nose: <---I thought it was the one finger salute.:yes4:
  2. Lou hoods&more

    Bail out mascot

  3. Lou hoods&more


    <object width="512" height="328" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" id="ordie_player_3c24ff68d6"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=3c24ff68d6" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"...
  4. Lou hoods&more

    Upholsterer's BBS

    Is anyone aware of one? Some of you know that I'm teaching one of my daughters upholstery, well I'm thinking I'll show off some of our work. But haven't located a forum for custom upholsterers. So if any of you know of one I'd appreciate hearing about it.
  5. Lou hoods&more

    Only a week late

  6. Lou hoods&more

    Blazing Buggery Batman

    What was this guy thinking? And it wasn't the first time....:shocked2:
  7. Lou hoods&more

    Denny's restaurant goes up in flames

    Hot off the presses.......... PHOENIX - A Denny's restaurant at 51st Avenue and Indian School Road in Phoenix will likely be closed for some time, due to a fire in the kitchen Monday, according to fire officials. "There were customers in, when we got on the scene," said Fire Captain Dorian...
  8. Lou hoods&more

    There is a Higley!!

    Ok someone told me Higley got absorbed into Gilbert :confused: Ok ..... But now my analytics shows a Higley?:eek:
  9. Lou hoods&more

    Is hell freezing over?

    This could make one wonder.
  10. Lou hoods&more

    PWI Calender

    won't show January 2009? Keeps going back to December 08. :o
  11. Lou hoods&more


    you know there are only two types of women............. hold on thnking I better not..........:confused:
  12. Lou hoods&more

    sign of the times

    I'm listening to the radio and the song "Mother"--Pink Floyd comes on,and they edit the line 'mother do you thnk they'l drop the bomb'....................sign of the times:(
  13. Lou hoods&more

    Camera issues!!!

    Think i figured out camera ...... bottom line it needs to be Lou-proof. i'm hard on tools <embed src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars=""...
  14. Lou hoods&more

    KDKB are ripping off WRIF

    On evening of the 5th a radio station here in Phx (kdkb) with no warning went to playing whole albums. And announced there would be a format change to be anounced on the 15th @ 9:33am 93.3fm on the dial, so new format/motto everything that rocks.:eek: They'r ripping off my favorite radio...
  15. Lou hoods&more


    So another year and kitchen forums my rule?:D thanks to Russ
  16. Lou hoods&more

    i never knew

    Like a special holiday..... and i don't learn of it till it passes..:o
  17. Lou hoods&more

    at my wits end

    constantly getting bumped off the site if anyone has solution let me know:mad:
  18. Lou hoods&more

    I thought this is bold

    These guys got balls....i just talked to the owner over there at Uncle tom's we had a great laugh..... get a load of this :D