Search results

  1. Scott Stone

    I hate thieves!

    Someone broke into my truck and stole my stereo last night. Also took my old ipod, with the dea battery, but left the new one that was in the same place. Jerks punched the lock to get in. Coppette is here now dusting everything up, trying to get prints. Must be a run of these going on in...
  2. Scott Stone

    Just a reminder

    We all like to have fun, and indulge in some good, and not so good natured ribbing. We all need to remember that Mindless blabbering is a searchable forum. Alfa Gamma is not searchable, and you cannot see what is there, unless you are logged in. Just a little reminder, when you see a thread...
  3. Scott Stone

    Another reason for Parking garage cleaning In the north areas, you might be wondering why you need to clean parking garages and structures. This video explains why. It has to do with the...
  4. Scott Stone

    I always find it humorous...

    When I am trolling websites and find someone in a garage that I am the only one that has been paid to clean it since it was built. It is a free garage, that is secluded, so it would be perfect for a posed shot. Then to find out they are a premier cleaner...perfect.
  5. Scott Stone

    I almost bought me a new truck yesterday.

    But did not pull the trigger. MSRP was $58K. I had a trade on my 2006 truck that was twice what I figure I could sell it for, and a little more. I would have only had to lay out about 16k for the remainder for a brand new 2011 Lariat, diesel. I just could not get myself to pull the trigger...
  6. Scott Stone

    Another first

    I might have to winterize my pressure washers. Just some windshield fluid in the float tank and let it run. Question is, how much fluid? It is actually supposed to be in the low 20's tomorrow night.
  7. Scott Stone

    We have all done it!

    You know you have, and if you havent, you have not been in business long enough. So, what is the most redneck thing that you have done to just get a job done. For me, I used a wire tie to replace a messed up hose clamp. Using the premise that there is nothing so permanent as something...
  8. Scott Stone

    patiently waiting

    Well, here i am, in my wonderful semi private gown, waiting to go under. Am I bad to be surfing the net on my phone? My wife is not here and they moved me up 5 hours late last night. Kind of threw a wrench in our planning. Oh well, wish me luck that the doc remembers how to do a hernia. He...
  9. Scott Stone

    I had to redo my recovery system.

    I had to redo my rig yesterday. I have been working on the worst parking garage I have ever done. It is very busy, never swept, and high traffic. The old fury system just was not getting the job done. I gave a call to Jerry at for advice, and he hooked me up. I got a...
  10. Scott Stone

    Stolen Pressure Washer

    Out of my yard, it was a Delco RK-40C that was mounted on the back of my F-550. I am not pleased. So, if you happen to see one for sale for too cheap, or too expensive, it could be mine. Let me know.
  11. Scott Stone

    Thinking outside the box

    So I am contemplating developing an app for android. it would probably be something designed for pressure washing, but since I would sell it, I am thinking that it would need it to to be flexible enough to support any industry, or at least any cleaning industry. What types of things would you...
  12. Scott Stone

    Garage cleaning.

    I am going for a personal record in environmental parking structure cleaning. It seems my efforts in educating operators at parking garage and structure conferences, as well as parking garage cleaning articles is paying off in the Phoenix area. By the end of the month, I will have cleaned about...
  13. Scott Stone

    This made me happy... I love the attempts to tackle him.:smile2: Maybe there is hope.
  14. Scott Stone

    How did this happen to me?

    My wife innocently asked me this morning if I was going to be home this evening. I try to be home friday nights, so I said sure. She said good, because J, my daughter was going to have five of her friends over. I thought no big deal, until my wife said, "by the way, I have a choir meeting, so...
  15. Scott Stone

    my poor son...

    Ijust dropped my son oldest son off at BYU for school, along with my honda civic... One of the big things at BYU is that if a student wants a job, they can find one on campus. Since I would rather he pay for most of his college, he has to get a job. Keep in mind that he does not particularly...
  16. Scott Stone

    Oklahoma University Bid This is a link to a bid for Oklahoma University. Keep in mind, this is only for about85,000 feet, doing a bunch of breezeways, and they want them done on August 12th, which I am certain is...
  17. Scott Stone

    Who are your top two suppliers?

    Just curious who your preferred distributor for equipment, and parts is. please put a web address in, as well, if they have one... !. For equipment, and some parts, I LOVE Delux, or Delco, or Rahsco, or whatever their name is this week. I can get a hold of Larry, shoot the bull for a bit...
  18. Scott Stone

    Gary Colemans monogrammed casket I know this reaches the height of tastelessness, but have little doubt it will be short lived.
  19. Scott Stone

    The latest thing I wish I had done

    Taken the Vegas odds on Al and Tipper separating before Bill and Hillary. And how is it that after forty years you suddenly don't get along?
  20. Scott Stone

    Cellular service

    just a poll on who your current cellular provider is. Also, if you would be interested in a group discount, if I could work it out with a major national provider, or two. Answer the poll, and if I get enough replies, I will see what I can work out. If I do this, big if, it will probably...