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  1. Scott Stone

    Can someone explain something to me?

    On the one hand, you have a guy that is he following: He has helped multiple round tables for free, often spending his own money to make sure they are a success, and everyting that they have been billed as being. Heads an organization for free, that helps contractors Has gone to bat, at his...
  2. Scott Stone

    Ahh, job interviews...

    Went through another round of job interviews yesterday. We have a multi tiered approach to new hires, and I guess some people just don't get it. The first step is they need to respond to a Craigslist ad. They are asked to respond to a specific set of instructions, that most employers have...
  3. Scott Stone

    parking garage clean

    Critique. Let me know what you think about the quality of this parking garage cleaning. I have some opinions.
  4. Scott Stone

    Paver Sealer

    My wife and I are building a new home. Our driveway is about 900 sq. ft. of pavers. Not a huge driveway, but I want to seal it. What is the longest lasting paver sealer, that achieves the best result out there right now? I don't deal with sealing stuff much.
  5. Scott Stone

    So I was wondering what my old buddy Lance Winslow was doing. Pretty much, she got him spot on...
  6. Scott Stone

    Michael P Thread.

    I moved this thread. EVERYONE was starting to look silly. I got tired of it, because it makes us all look bad. Come on, everyone needs to man up, and act like their mama raised them. Contribute something positive, or don't contribute at all. Or maybe, I am just board weary.
  7. Scott Stone

    What would you do???

    As many of you know, I have multiple large contracts with cities. The smallest is about $260,000 a year. Because of what my core market is, we are in the streets and dealing with a lot of issues with the public and governments. Recently, one of my cities had a green expo conference. I should...
  8. Scott Stone

    Morning Accident Here is an accident we had this morning in Phoenix. It was a truck full of coffee creamer that overturned at one of the busiest interchanges in Phoenix. Want to guess how this truck, filled with 50,000 lbs of coffee creamer, about 5000 gallons...
  9. Scott Stone

    When did you build your first recovery rig?

    When did you build your first recovery rig? Why did you build it? I built mine in 1995. I used it for fleet washing. I used it frequently, but realistically, when I built it, it was unnecessary because the water drop and evaporation took care of most of my recovery needs. I was never...
  10. Scott Stone

    Round Table question

    What are the types of Hotels that the roundtables are held in? I think mine, four years ago, was at a Marriott Residence Inn. Most chose to stay elsewhere, and it was a small roundtable. I know that the recent San Diego Round table was held in a nice resort. So, where have they been held, as...
  11. Scott Stone

    interesting conversation today

    One of my employees came in today and said, "Scott, my paycheck is a little short on the take home today." I said,"how much?" "$12.00, why is it short?" "Congratulations, welcome to being a millionaire."
  12. Scott Stone

    i have an.announcement

    I actually did a powerwash job today. It took four hours. I think i need to take next week off.
  13. Scott Stone

    Company party

    We had our Christmas party at my home for our employees. We had about an 80% attendance rate. Some of the best lines: From our Lesbian power washer that received some diagonal cutters in the white elephant Game: "I got me some Dikes!" "Dang, I cant believe I said that..." From one of our...
  14. Scott Stone

    A New time of year...

    Every year, for my business I set goals. Sometimes they are simple goals, and sometimes, they are not so simple. Currently, I am not batting 1.000 on achieving my goals, but I would say I am about 85%. I will take that as acceptable. This past year has been really helter skelter. I...
  15. Scott Stone

    Just another day in paradise...

    Last night, I worked until 2:00 am. This morning I got a call at 6 am waking me up, "Scott, this is Frank, I am not coming in because my son is in the hospital in intensive care." Crap, I send a text to one of my supervisors to let them know what is going on, and roll over and go back to...
  16. Scott Stone

    Briggs Vanguard Engines

    I am beginning to HATE Vanguards. I have never had good luck with them. In the past twelve months, out of the 24 machines that I have owned I have had 8 blow up on me. This has been one of the most frustrating things that I have had to deal with in the past year. First pumps that are losing...
  17. Scott Stone

    New Home Except my wife says no...
  18. Scott Stone

    My Competition, part deux by Emily Gersema - Sept. 29, 2012 09:01 PM The Republic | A retired Phoenix worker faces trial this fall on charges that he funneled more than $322,000 in city checks to a truck-washing...
  19. Scott Stone

    Boy, what a mess...

    I have four leads. They keep trying to get the best of me, and each other, in harmless practical jokes. For instance on monday, I was taking a couple of leads to get trucks across town because the motors on the machines went down. I needed the trucks, and it was late in the day. The lead...
  20. Scott Stone

    THe latest from the "Why Yes, i am smoking crack dept."