Search results

  1. RandyB

    Ivy Roots

    I'm working on a building that has Ivy roots stuck to the brick and slate. They are also growing into the calk. I can scape it off the slate and pull it from the brick, but how do I get it out of the calk???
  2. RandyB

    Slate roof

    Anybody out there in the north central Illinois eastern Iowa area that cleans slate roofs looking for any work??? I've got a hot lead for you. Call me 815-481-2292 or e-mail
  3. RandyB

    Home and Garden shows

    OK see now here's the thing, I get to the home show site yesterday afternoon and set up the booth, and that's when I notice the show staff has us right next next to another P/W company. They ended up moving our booth around the corner, but man doesn't ANYBODY pay attention anymore?? I still plan...
  4. RandyB

    Graffiti Tag

    Got a call from one of our better accounts last Monday, the brick on the building got tagged with a purple/blue (it really is a great color) paint. I've tried graffiti remover, oven cleaner, and carb cleaner. The one that worked best was the O.C. with a 10-15 min dwell followed by brush...
  5. RandyB

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you. Our prayers go out to all who have family far from home serving our great country. May everyone have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Randy & Laurie Borio and everybody at Panther Outdoor
  6. RandyB

    Has anybody....

    So has anybody ever cleaned a rendering plant??? I've cleaned an egg laying barn in the past. 50 ft. wide 500 ft long, held 5,000 birds. NEVER doing that again. The guy told me the basement needs to be cleaned. "That's where everything ends up" he tells me. Should I be scared????? Or do my best...
  7. RandyB

    Deer Hunters

    So after 11 years I finally found the ultimate deer hunting weapon, the E350. Got an 8 point buck. If i can figure out how to get the pictures off the phone I'll get them posted.