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  1. Newlook

    UAMCC BBS Down

    Hey...just want to let you all know that we are experiencing our 1st server issue. The calvary has been notified and we should be up and running soon!! Thanks for your patience!
  2. Newlook

    Grease Police Donation to the UAMCC

    On behalf of the United Association of Mobile Contract Cleaners (UAMCC), I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the Grease Police Association for their kind donation that they made to the UAMCC. The UAMCC continues to make strides in establishing a contractor to contractor platform. This...
  3. Newlook

    Jobs Leads in Seven States!

    Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi. A large company that operates in the above states are looking for washers. There are IMMEDIATE wash jobs in Texas and especially in the Houston area that need to be serviced NOW. This is the initial requirement that I...
  4. Newlook

    UAMCC in the Big Easy

    Well I think we all made it back safe and sound from the Big Easy. Hats off to everyone for making this a very successful get together. The UAMCC discussed much with the attendees and I think we all walked away from the discussions with a sense that the UAMCC has plotted it's course in the right...
  5. Newlook

    What is the 4th of July to YOU?

    THE 4TH OF JULY Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary...
  6. Newlook


    The new UAMCC Logo can be viewed at
  7. Newlook

    California Declares Drought

    Schwarzenegger declares drought in California By DON THOMPSON, Associated Press Writer Thu Jun 5, 6:52 AM ET SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a statewide drought after two years of below-average rainfall, low snowmelt runoff and a court-ordered restriction on water...
  8. Newlook

    UAmCc Forum

    The UAmCc would like to extend it's heartfelt thanks to PWI for creating a special forum that would allow the UAmCc to post announcements, dialogue and discuss industry related topics in the past. The PWI has asked the UAmCc to decide whether or not the UAmCc still needs a special forum on the...
  9. Newlook

    New UAmCc Transition Team Member

    Keeping all BBS's in the loop -
  10. Newlook

    UAmCc Announcement

    The UAmCc has taken its first significant step in advancing the organization for the pressure washing industry. The UAmCc Transition Team over the last couple of months has had numerous conference calls in which strategy, direction, policy and the transition of the organization was discussed...
  11. Newlook

    Interesting Artilce in USA Today

    Just a FYI
  12. Newlook

    Cleaner Times Article

    April's edition of Cleaner Times drought article is attached. It is a good read and I personally feel that is was well written and fair. Kudos go out to everyone in the industry for bringing the drought situation to the forefront. Relief for Washers will continue to...
  13. Newlook

    UAMCC and Relief for Washers Announces Merger

    UAMCC and Relief for Washers Merge to Form Industry Organization United Association of Mobile Contract Cleaners and Relief for Washers, announced that they have entered into an agreement that establishes a new nationwide state network organization that...
  14. Newlook

    Relief for Washers Site

    An announcement for the launch of the Relief for Washers site was inadvertenly not mentioned here. It was suppose to be here earlier and my apologies to Ron and Russ who have supported the RFW concept when this whole idea came to pass. We are live. There is much work to do which does require...
  15. Newlook

    Pressure Washing Management Guidelines - Newbies!

    Good resource ...
  16. Newlook

    "Relief For Washers" Proclamation

    PROCLAMATION Whereas, Pressure Washing Contractors across the Southeastern Region of the United States have been plagued by the ongoing water shortage and water restrictions associated with the past, current and future drought problems; and Whereas, there is an immediate threat that water...
  17. Newlook

    Happy Holiday Season!!

    Here is to wishing everyone in the power washing industry a wonderous holiday season!! This time of year gives each and every one of us the opportunity to reflect on the good times and not-so good times that we as individuals and business owners have experienced in '07. I am confident that ALL...
  18. Newlook

    Description of Effort

    Thanks to TGS, PTState and PWI for allowing information to be passed back and forth amongst the different boards. Without you the word drought and relief would not have been on the minds of the many different contractors that have reached out to offer their assistance! Again, I thank Beth, Bob...
  19. Newlook

    State of GA contact information

    Many folks have asked how can they can send a letter or email to the elected officials in the state of GA: congressmen John, Georgia, 12th - Bishop Jr., Sanford D.Georgia,2nd - Deal, Nathan, Georgia, 9th, - Gingrey...