Search results

  1. Carolina Prowash

    North Carolina Round Table

    We are planning a Round Table in North Carolina the latter part of September. If you are in or around the NC area and would be interested in attending, please email me your mailing address so that I can mail you a registration form. There will be no charge for the RT with the exception of the...
  2. Carolina Prowash

    What do you look for?

    If one were to go into a restaurant, how would you be able to tell if one of you wonderful grease miners has been there? We live across the street from a Chinese restaurant. In the six years in this house, I've NEVER seen anyone there cleaning the hood (don't even have someone qualified in the...
  3. Carolina Prowash

    Creating a signature

    With the new requirement of signatures containing valid contact information, I thought it may aid to put instructions up. To create/edit a signature, click on the USER CP tab on the task bar. You will see a list of options. Click EDIT SIGNATURE. You may enter your text just as if you are...
  4. Carolina Prowash

    Ipe Deck Two-tone stain project

    Here is an Ipe deck we stripped and re-stained last week :) The floors, handrails, pickets and stairs were stained with Cabot's Austrailian Timber Oil Mahogany Flame. The PT risers and supports were custom tinted Cabots Solid deck oil stain.
  5. Carolina Prowash

    Administrative Request for All Members

    To all members: In order to provide better communications between contractors and guests on this board, the Administration is asking that all members now provide name and contact information, ie, phone number, town, email address... in your signature area. This adds credibility to your company...