wastewater dumpage

I did it. I'm sorry. It all started as a prank and then all the sudden the whole earth warmed up and now the world has gone crazy and I can't water my lawn and I have to wear a seatbelt wherever I go.

And if they catch me letting Fayth drink out of the hose again they're going to put me in jail!

It was just supposed to be a little prank. I'm responsible.
That reminded me, the other day I was outside with my pressure washer soaping down my wifes floor mats for her van..
My 3 yr old ran by and I said hey remember the lady on the news months back that got in trouble for spraying her kid at the carwash with the pressue hose?
I turned and sprayed my daughter with mine and said hope no one saw that........my wife had a fit and my daughter loved it....had to spray her again....
(she was far away and it was with a soap tip) but my wife doesnt know the difference.
That reminded me, the other day I was outside with my pressure washer soaping down my wifes floor mats for her van..
My 3 yr old ran by and I said hey remember the lady on the news months back that got in trouble for spraying her kid at the carwash with the pressue hose?
I turned and sprayed my daughter with mine and said hope no one saw that........my wife had a fit and my daughter loved it....had to spray her again....
(she was far away and it was with a soap tip) but my wife doesnt know the difference.

I know this is way off subject but it just came to mind!
I did it. I'm sorry. It all started as a prank and then all the sudden the whole earth warmed up and now the world has gone crazy and I can't water my lawn and I have to wear a seatbelt wherever I go.

And if they catch me letting Fayth drink out of the hose again they're going to put me in jail!

It was just supposed to be a little prank. I'm responsible.

Tony you are the guy made every one now have to wear seatbelt just because goverment picked you to be the fall guy damn man I hate seatbelts.
Tony you are the guy made every one now have to wear seatbelt just because goverment picked you to be the fall guy damn man I hate seatbelts.

It's because of me all our gas pumps dispensers are now 5 inches across and we have them reclaiming nothing.

It's because of me your grandchildren will have to wear two helmets and a whole body airbag just to play "Simon Says".
Waste water can be disposed of at the POTW, in sanitary sewers on site or in your shop, or car washes are an excellent location as well. Any way you do it you will need to verify with the POTW that your waste stream is acceptable in order to prevent fines.

The main problems we have to be concerned with are solids, Ph and oils. There are simple treatment steps you can take to combat these issues. Things like Oil socks, settling tanks and chemicals to increase or decrease the Ph of your water. All states are different so check with your POTW to see what they require for discharge.
ok, I have contacted the water treatment plants and they just say you should get a permit but dont give answers how to do it. I want dumb it in a responsible way so that it dont leave build up on the storm drains walls and sure dont want to her the enviorment.
This Global Warming is killing me. Supposed to be back down to 42 by Monday here. They may have to run snow tires on the Indy cars this year.