Sharing Email from friend in NY.


Member Specialist
A note to let everyone know that we are OK.

We are unable to make out going calls, but are able to
get incoming calls.

This is the first time I have been able to get on the
internet. We just got back from the store getting
supplies, just in case we are stuck for awhile.

As I was having my morning tea, I heard the engine of
a plane as if it was crashing and a second later an
explosion. I got a sinking feeling as I went to the
window as people screamed. I expected to see a jet
crashed into my street (it was so load). It took me a
few minutes to figure out that it hit the World Trade
Tower. Through sadness and tears I witness the whole

Maura and I along with Greg and my friends are O.K. My assisting job was cancelled, but I have yet to be able to talk to anyone at the lab. I hope they are all OK.

If you are a New York friend and I haven't talk to
you, please email me and let me know that you are OK>

With Love
