Pressure washing saves Village money by helping extend the life of their water tank

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire

The Board still has to decide whether to replace or rehabilitate the water storage tank. For 10 years, H2M has been performing biannual inspections on the tank, which are primarily driven by health department regulations to ensure the sanitary conditions of the tank and evaluate its structural integrity. The water storage tank is a riveted, multi-supported steel tank that was built in 1933 and last rehabilitated in 1992 when it was repainted. The industry standard for tank life is 100 years. A typical paint coating lasts 10 to 15 years.

Last year the Board decided on a short-term solution at a cost of approximately $570,000 that will focus on the exterior overcoat and provide protection to the exposed steel. The project will also include pressure washing tank surfaces; removing any debris or sediment from the interior after draining the tank; power tooling and priming exterior corrosion; overcoating the tank’s exterior with a coating system; adding a new ladder safety climbing system to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements; and replacing anchor bolts and repairing the footings. It is hoped that this treatment will extend the tank’s life for another three to five years.