Idiotic Question

Ok I have a good one here. I noticed some spots in my screen porch tonight it was probably from bleach when I washed my house a few weeks ago. Is there a way to prevent that or just stay away form screens in general with the bleach? What do you recommend so I only screw up my house and not a customers?:rolleyes:
It's a fact that bleach is not good for the old metal screen. Just be sure you rinse it really well. Lots of rinse. Then when it begins to rust, replace it with the newer more modern fiber screen.
"I see" said the blind man....
ok true. I think I didn't wash it at all and when I did get the bleach on it it just has some spotting only I can see at night when the porch light is on. Even then it is hard to notice but I wanna do it right. THANKS FOR THE INSIGHT!