How was the Board Meeting?

We cant annouce anything here? what happened, whats the future? Holding the news back now is like hearing old news later.

We live in faster times, besides you have a marketing tool here you don't use.

This was a very important meeting and as a member I would hope that old guard of not speaking for fear you could damage the PWNA is gone.

So what happened? anyone it was a public meeting. wasnt it?
Henry, I have not looked at water works. I dont even get my cleanertimes anymore. I was suppose to get when i joined.

I'm not worried about the issue so dont make it and issue. I metioned this because you guys are missing the marketing tools at your fingertips.

tell us instantly, why wait?

Maybe just one thing that you see as a positive thing, or maybe a negative thing.
Another hurry up and wait announcement. You can see pictures of the meeting on the PWNA BBS, but no content of the meetings.
Ron Musgraves said:
Maybe just one thing that you see as a positive thing, or maybe a negative thing.

Ok I'll give you a positive. The Upcoming Convention looks great and where going to have major spouse discounts along with bringing your employees.

A Negative that comes to mind is-- besides the BOD and Pete Marentay who is the Chairman Distributors Advisory Board not one PWNA member showed up to add some imput....Ron........
This isn't a hurry up and wait or drama thing. Were all trying to catch up with our companies and now that we have placed PWNA at the top of our priority list for four days, were placing our companies first for a bit.

If everyone is so excited to hear what we discussed, why didn't they just come? Be patient guys, were a bit busy.
It is nice to see genuine concern for what took place. I apologize for not recieiving the memo that stated that we had to post a reponse on one of the bulletin boards within 48 hours. I will find the person that filed the memo and did not communicate it and FIRE that person immediately! While we are still compiling the minutes and putting together a communication for all I did post the following response on the PWNA site this morning:

To all members,

The Board of Directors met in Mt. Laurel, NJ on October 6th & 7th. This meeting, to my knowledge, was communicated both in a Water Works and on the BB. Invitation for Board Meetings is open to all members and we have made that clear for the past three. Only a handful of members take the invitation and attend. It is a great way to see first hand what and how the Board works and what direction the organization is heading. For those that have attended in the past it has been an experience that has changed their perspective on just how much is getting done and what is being worked on, all by volunteers! The only question we ask prior is exactly who is coming. Walk-ins are not encouraged as we reserve a room based on attendees. These conference rooms and hotel room blocks are booked months in advance. In otherwards, walk-ins may come but if the room is full it would be ashame. I personally would like to see at least 20 members attend so that the mesages are communicated in broader circles.

Not to steal anyone's thunder, but I would think that the President(Paul Horsley) or somewhere in the Water Works would be giving a synopsis on the meeting. In any event and for "inquiring minds" I will tell my version.

The first item is that we have made a significant change in management of the PWNA by hiring an administrator that works solely for the organization. We believe this will get us closer to our membership and is following the role model of CETA. We had explored many options in how to take the PWNA to the next level. We felt this was the best option and should give us a better handle on the organization from overall operations to being able to market ourselves, track, and follow up in a more accountable fashion. We are very excited about Regina Dudley filling this position and bringing her experience with non-profits to our organization. This was Regina's first chance to meet the Board Members face-to-face. How we move forward with this change was discussed at length with the concensus being that we are stronger and that this move will ultimately take us to the next step in achieving our goal of being THE organization for our industry.

The convention in Memphis, TN was discussed at length. The first order of business to communicate is that Jack Pitzer and JMP(our previous Executive Director) will be working with us on the convention. PWNA and JMP have handled the changes in such a professional and respectful way that we asked JMP to help us on this task and they have accepted. This is an example of how seperation do not always have to be negative. Building relationships in a positive manor is policy amongst the PWNA BOD's. We approved many classes and seminars for the convention with the most exciting piece coming from this is the agreements to have more "professional speakers" participate than ever before. In other words, we have put a lot of meat on the bones for this convention! Great job done here by Don Flory, Jean Henryck, and the Convention Committee. The goals for this coming convention are to have at least 300 attendees and 50 vendors. This is based off of the huge success of our last two conventions and people who have already contacted us for this convention. If members have vendors that might be interested in attending just contact the office and we will get a "vendor package" out to them immediately. This show is for the benefit of the industry as a whole, this includes non-members. You do not need to be a contractor or vendor member to attend or participate. We encourage the ENTIRE industry to participate and get involved. Vendor sponsorships were discussed and we also encourage all vendors(members and non-members) to inquire how you can sponsor events at the convention like meals, contests, and seminars.

We discussed education and the role of the PWNA to educate folks in the industry. We discussed what other classes need to be offered to the membership that include expansion of the popular Pressure Washing 101 class, as well as, the need for a Fleet Washing and Flatwork Classes.

We discussed the nominating committee and what positions were open for the coming election. The nominating committee consists of the immediate past president at two from the general membership that are in good standing. We will have one Board position opening and all interested parties should contact the office or Doc Reisman.

The "NEW" website was discussed and commented on. Henry Bockman and the communications committee has done such a wonderful job on this task. The site is over 5 times the size of the previous site with many additional features. This is a work in progress and if any members want to contribute content or pictures we encourage you to do so by contacting the office.

One change we voted on for membership was that we would contact folks for renewal twice and that all members would receive a 30 day grace period after their expiration to renew. After this 30 day period you would renew and have to start all over agian in tenure and lose other perks associated with maintaining the membership. Previously we sent out four notices which is too costly. Phone calls will also be used as a tool to contact folks before the grace period expires.

My overall opinion of the meeting is that we have made some changes in how we do business that are going to dramatically effect the PWNA's future. We have positioned ourselves to more than double our membership in the next couple of years. This will be done by better marketing of the organization form within. Previously we had little in the marketing of the PWNA in this way. We will continue to market our membership and members as the best in the industry and as the contractors who should get jobs over non-members by soliciting potential accounts like the United States Post Office and Kohl's, which we have recently done. This will add value to the brand and the contractor's who make up that brand. We will develop an educational track that will have one major goal, and that is to create well educated and professional contractors who will now have a formula to follow to make them successful. In other words, we want to reduce turnover in the industry by aiding in educating contractors to be successful! The changes will also make us more financially responsible and create more dollars to reinvest back into the organization for better conventions and speakers, more education, added membership benefits, and MARKETING. These steps have all been taken to take the PWNA from a small representation of the industry to one that grows beyond manys wildest dreams. To do this you have to build a SOLID foundation to grow upon. The current Board has done just that. The energy that has come from our recent conventions and meetings is becoming contagious. Instead of an organization managing perceptions through gossipy bulletin boards we have become a much more professional organization that has moved that focus to running the organization as if it were our own. It is my opinion that this Board of Directors is incredibly solid. From past experience with 14 members, I have seen many dropped balls and fumbles that set us back. This is no reflection on any one person as illness and life changing events have caused distractions. The change in bylaws to reduce the Board to 11 members as added a focus and solidarity that has really impacted the direction and decision making going on within the organization. We are becoming a much more recognized organization and I truly believe it has to do with the strength and changes in both the Board of Directors and in the overall membership.

For anyone who would like to become involved more with the PWNA please contact the office at 1-800-393-7962. We do not want to turn anyone down and would like to see the entire membership involved in some fashion on a committee, a local chapter, or even on the BOD's! Anyone who would like to contact me to discuss the meeting, the PWNA, or any other topic please feel free to contact me at 1-866-440-3325.

As I am only taking a stab at a bit of humor above it should be noted that bulletin boards have become not much more than a black eye that adds to the low regard of the industry. When customers and others can come to the boards and see the tension, hostility, and sniping that goes on it only detracts from the needed professionalism. I have spoken to many people over the past year that stated they don't post for fear of becoming a target. That in itself is an issue. The bulletin boards were supposed to be an aid in communication and education to help all. That is not what it is today, that is ashame.
Everett Abrams said:
As I am only taking a stab at a bit of humor above it should be noted that bulletin boards have become not much more than a black eye that adds to the low regard of the industry. When customers and others can come to the boards and see the tension, hostility, and sniping that goes on it only detracts from the needed professionalism. I have spoken to many people over the past year that stated they don't post for fear of becoming a target. That in itself is an issue. The bulletin boards were supposed to be an aid in communication and education to help all. That is not what it is today, that is ashame.

I agree, and must say well stated.
Thanks for reporting so quickly. I for one certainly could have waited to hear the news abit longer. I know from past experience how demanding this volunteer BoD time can be, and I certainly hope others can understand that BoD members have to travel back to their homes, families and businesses, regroup, and then go from there. Time management is never as easy as it looks. Well done!
