Announcement: Use of PWNA Logo

Announcement: Use of PWNA Logo

This to announce that in order for anyone to use the PWNA logo, for any reason, they must be a member in good standing. If you are not a member using the logo for marketing in any way you must cease and desist from this action when your membership is deactivated within 30 days. If you are in contracts with phonebooks or other marketing where there will be use of the logo you are obligated to keep your dues current. Failure to do so will result in action, which may also include legal recourse, by the PWNA. The PWNA logo has a value to members who pay dues as they attempt to seperate themselves from their competition. Use of the logo by non-members illegally will not be tolerated.

PWNA Board of Directors
Legally, in California anyway, you need to notify each offending party in order to enforce a C&D. A certified letter from your legal team will probably be enough to cause offenders to comply quickly.

Can you clarify what you want in code and where you want a link?
Gotcha, I will work on it tomorrow