PWNA National Community Outreach Program begins in July

Henry Bockman

Maryland Pressure Washing
National Community Outreach Program Begins in July

The Power Washers of North America has launched a community outreach program to perform community service work across the nation. Their goals include reaching out and helping those who most need assistance, beautifying their communities, aiding other charitable organizations, and gaining national, positive recognition for the professional pressure washing industry.

Both PWNA members and non-members are encouraged to get involved by choosing their own charity event or signing up for one of the larger organizations, such as Rebuilding Together, Christmas in April or Ronald Mcdonald House. Sample press releases are available for you to promote the project and your particular event. At the end of the month, all are invited to volunteer in the “grand finale”— project on the East coast.

After the final project, a listing of all contractors and volunteers involved, along with photographs, will be released to the media detailing the grand total of services donated across the country. We hope this will help promote the standards of the PWNA's professionalism we all strive for, and plan to make this an ongoing program.

To register your desire to volunteer, or for more information, please contact Henry Bockman at
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To make this project easier, I thought it would be better for each company to choose their own projects and just relay the information to me.
I don't want people to think I'm suggesting one organization more than any other and most companies already have someone they work with.

I did set up an email that I can send to anyone looking for more information about organizations they can contact in their area.

I have also created a database that I can list each contractors information and the project they are doing in their area.

This way if an organization contacts me I can enter it in the database and match it up with any volunteers from that state.

If anyone has an organization they think I should contact let me know I would be happy to list them and see if we can help them out!

please email me about your interest or information at
I will only add this. "Christmas in April" has been for us a hugh success. These are homes that have either elderly, handicapped or just low,low,low incomes and can not afford or able to upkeep their homes etc....

There is nothing in the world like it when ya see the homeowner's eyes light up when we are finished. New roofs, siding, concrete walkways, windows etc..... We have over the years restored 7 decks along with staining the other times we just lend a hand, like carrying lumber or supplies for the carpenters etc...Needless to say, even though they may not need your specific services, lend a hand and become part of a good thing. As in Boy Scouts, each day do a good turn.
I currently wash homes at no charge through my church. Last year, I wash 37 homes. I personally did each and everyone of them - theres no better feeling.

I will be glad to attach the PWNA name to the program. Its a program that I came up with. Basically, people apply for it through my church and I go and wash their homes, patios, etc.

Its great.

Just let me know how I can help???
I'm glad to see that there are other companies out there that do the same kind of community projects I have in the past. If you would like to get involved in this project or add your exhisting projects to this one just email me so I can get some information about your company and your project.

Great Idea Henry.....
I live in small town Mississippi...with only three Churches...Have plans to clean all three...
I see a lot of people veiwing the thread but compared to those veiwing not many are getting involved with the project. Now I don't mind and I don't take it personally but I am curious. Is there a reason why you aren't getting involved in this?
Is there something I could change that would help?

Hey Henry just wanted you to know that Mobile Power Wash of New England not only is reading your thread but have been involved in cleaning up our community. We have cleaned the Plainville pool and surrounding areas for years so the kids would have a place to go in the summer. Funds were drying up and if contractors like ourselves and others didn't volunteer the kids would have no place to swim. We also help out surrounding communites. Can't save the world, but it is nice to know that we can give back. It puts a smile on our face and theirs. Take care and good luck I will be keeping tabs on your progress.

Nancy J Cassidy
Moblie Power Wash of New England
PS Like Ron's idea of graffiti removal. We do a lot of work in the surrounding areas to remove and beautify these rundown communitys so they don't look like crackville USA personally brings me a lot of satisfaction. Hey Ron what's your suggestion? Call the goverment or the city's maintaince division? Call City Hall?

Nancy J Cassidy
Ron question for you? If you decided to do the community clean up how would you go about it? Or is that privileged information? Just wondering? We work for a lot of school systems, property managers, and buisness owners removing graffati. Since you and I have something in common as far as the graffati day I really would like a little input. Your idea is awesome. Hope I aint putting you out with these questions. I feel odd asking? But, I trust your judgement and know that you are succesful in your own right. Thanks and good luck to all is this endavor. Nancy J Cassidy

Nancy J Cassidy
Mobile Power Wash of New England
Hi Nancy,

Thanks for the interest in the project.. I posted my last comments because I was wondering if people were too busy to do something like this or just wanted to see what it was about and not get involved in it. I'm glad there are other people that give back to their communities.

In Maryland, this project is really doing well. I've been asked about quite a few different projects and I'm taking down information in case other companies want to get involved. If anyone is interested about the project or want to know what they can do to help.. Just let me know I have people contacting me from all over the country about different stuff. The only problem is, if I can't get companies in other states to volunteer, some organizations asking for help won't be able to get it.

Henry is there a specific organization that you pefer? I am sure that Michael would at least be willing to listen. I just wish the season would start here in the northeast getting a little tired of doing sales and marketing. They are predicting snow again this week. It has been a long, hard, cold, fattening winter. Can't stand it anymore. I mean we cleaned a house today but it was 33 degrees when he started the job. So, at this point hand outs, paying jobs, anything would be better than this. God, I would love to live in Fla!!!!!!!!!! Take care Henry PS You seem like a good guy we would love to meet you sometime. Nancy
Mobile Power Wash of New England
Thanks nancy, I appreciate the compliments.

As for organizations that I donate service and money to. I usually work with Christmas in april, Rebuilding together, the Germantown gems and the boy scouts. My kids are heavily involved with the last two groups so we usually sponser the groups with money and help on all their fund raisers like car washes etc.. This year it's been more money than the ect though. <G>

Come on down to Maryland, it was a balmy 50 degrees

50 degrees ? Must be nice. Here in Southern Maryland, topped at 43. Still was able to do a fence job, exterior wash and two banks. But other than that, I am freezin. Cant wait till summer........

Welcome to the board. Do you guys do a lot of marketing?