At the risk of pissing everyone off, I am going to try to clear up a couple of misconceptions so that new people – or those that want to learn what choices they have, aren’t misled by the comments of the 8 people that post virtually everything written on this BBS about Roof Cleaning.
Here are some facts that are constantly ignored:
- ARMA does not manufacture Roofing Products. And the tech bulletin everyone refers to is only for asphalt shingles. It’s the same one they put out in 1980, with the exception of the added reference to algae resistant shingles.
- There are several roof materials manufacturers that have approved cleaning methods other than drenching a roof with chlorine. American Roof Brite, Roof Reviver, and Roof-A-Cide all have products that have been tested and approved by actual manufacturers of roof materials – but you won’t hear about these if you just contact ARMA, read their bulletin, or rely on BBS sites like this for all of your info & education.
- Everyone that has access to the Internet knows you can get a roof clean with $20.00 worth of pool bleach, but you would be hard pressed to find a Professional Roofer using it. Why? Because they know what it will do to the roof fixtures & underlayment – even though the salt content left behind on an asphalt shingle roof (that has been properly rinsed) is not going to do any damage to the shingles themselves.
- Some insurance companies do require homeowners to get their roofs cleaned. Matt Hixon of Hixon Roof Renew in Little Rock, AR just did one last week. The insurance company was not going to renew the policy unless the Homeowner either had it cleaned or replaced. Give him a call & ask him.
- While some companies do use scare tactics (and you’ll see A LOT of scare tactics if you look at the websites of the Contractors that post here), it is a fact that contractors throughout the country are looking for safer and more efficient ways to get a roof clean or keep it clean. They all know you can use bleach. They all know it’s cheap, effective, and relatively easy – but the other issues like employee safety, landscaping, property damage, and equipment damage are obviously more important to them.
- Roof-A-Cide is approved by GAF Materials and Monier LifeTile – two of the largest roof materials manufacturers in the US. Our products don’t contain any bleaches or sodium hydroxide and they have been used on over 100,000 roofs in 13 states over the last 10 years.