Breaking News Saint Petersburg Florida!

The US Marshals and Saint Petersburg Police attempted to serve a warrant this morning in ST,Petersburg Florida. The man held up in the attic of the Home. When the officers tried to get the man out he opened fire on them. Two of the officers were killed in the shoot out. Here is a link to the on going event.

I'm Glad I'm not in Tampa Cleaning with you guys this month. The nation is on edge for sure. I wonder if this is more Government stuff or just a felon that doesn't want to be taken?

What's Next???

Reports indicate the wounded US Marshal has been identified as Chief Deputy Tom Figmick.
Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio released a statement on the shootings: What a terrible day for us all as we received the news of two of St. Petersburg's finest officers who died in the line of duty this morning and a U.S. Marshal who was seriously injured.
We grieve over this terrible tragedy - the loss of valued members of our law enforcement community who protect us everyday. We have felt this terrible loss before and are reminded of the dangers our officers face every single day.
On behalf of the City of Tampa, I extend my heartfelt condolences to the families of the officers, the larger family of the St. Petersburg Police Department, and to all the citizens of our sister city.

Thanks Larry, just reading now!!
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I am amazed that there were 100's of shots fired and the only ones that were hit were 3 P.O. 2 dead 1 critical?
How in the world do 2 cops get killed when the man is firing from the attic. No Tear gas, No flash bombs,no heat seeking cameras and no pulling the dry wall down, no thought of opening up the ends of roof.......Really is BS.....Some police chief should be fired......Big question why is the shooter still alive????

Here in ky a Cop just killed a KFC robber....Told the guy to drop the gun he was pointing, he didn't and was shot dead. Well Ems gave the Robber a courtesy ride to the hospital but he was done.......That how you treat bad people shoot first ask questions later........
The cops did not know if he was there they went to the house (his ex wifes) to ask her if she had seen him. At that time she told them he had hid in the attic. They called for back up and proceeded to the attic not knowing he had a gun. The k-9 and handler went in first and after they where in he ambushed them and shot the other two coming up the stairs. It's reported he had a ak-47 in the attic. When back up arrived they could not reach the deputies by radio and the dog was not barking.
Here in Miami similar tragedy not long ago:

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