This could take me three days to respond to. In short this process started in 2005. As we went through all avenues of bettering our educational process we agreed to put this out for bid. The bid was sent out on either January 3rd or 4th I believe. Please do not hold me to those dates but it was definitely sent out that week. Then it was in water works and it was also resubmitted to all members again.
Everett, I have reviewed quite a few publications by the PWNA, both email as well as bbs posts beginning back in October. The Waterworks publication that one would refer to as far as the PWNA's position on education stated, "We discussed the role of the PWNA in educating members and people in the industry. We talked about expanding the popular Power Washing 101 class as well as classes for fleetwashing and flatwork. We also discussed outsourcing our classes to a professional training company as we feel it would provide better training for our members." I would not qualify this as notification for the bidding process to begin.
There was no call to action in any correspondence or Waterworks in November.
In the minutes of the December 12th conference call, under NEW BUSINESS, "Discussed putting out letter for bid - excepting bids no later then January ACTION ITEM. Jim, Pete, Tony and John"
In the minutes of the December 21st, "Certification bid has been prepared to be sent out for classes and certifications to all interested in bidding by Monday December 27th." As a member, I did not receive any notification or invitation.
There was nothing in the December Waterworks about the plans.
On the January 10th conference call, "Discussed Educational Bid for PWNA members that was sent out. Due date set for February 3rd." Again, as a member and as indicated by other members, no invitation to bid was received until 1/25/06. Could it be that the only members that were initially invited were vendor members?
There is nothing in the January Waterworks.
I do not know if this is directed at me but I will take this head on. Why can I not submit my class as a proposal? It is something I have been doing before this process? Are you trying to say that because I am on the Board that it should disqualify my class, even if it is the best? With an open mind we do not know whether it is or not until we recieve all bids. In any case of conflict for me or any other board member they must abstain from a vote, if there is a vote on an issue. Also, the PWNA has had a Wood Restoration Course that has been it's most successful class for the past two years, should this not be considered? Robert Hinderliter was the President and former board member and has helped to put the education offerings that are in place to date with no issue of conflict. I believe this process should be about offering the best possible courses availabe to the members. However that happens we should searching and looking for those courses. The bids are being submitted to headquarters to Regina Dudley who is communicating with Mark Hatten, who is not submitting any coursework. Let's take this from another point as well, if Beth were teaching the best Marketing Class and had taught it before at seminars that benefited the PWNA, and she were on the Board, it would not be fair NOT to consider her course in an open bid situation. I hope we can see that the effort is to find the best offering possible.
The issue with this is two fold. You, Everett, are in a position to vote on what you think is best. The bigger issue is that you and others teach classes outside of PWNA, so if in fact one of those class is not the chosen one, you will have direct access to the material that makes the winning bid better.
Further, what would prevent you or any other committee member from starting new training programs for profit based on the course materials you have been privvy to. You can't erase a thought from your mind so an idea that you may gain from reviewing other's outlines can't be deleted by a non-compete.